The Harvard Macy Institute Podcast aims to connect our Harvard Macy Institute community and to develop our interest in health professions education topics and literature. Our podcast is hosted by our Program for Educators in the Health Professions course faculty Victoria Brazil, and will feature interviews with health professions education authors and their research papers.
Podcast #14 features HMI faculty member Martin Pusic, in a discussion about artificial intelligence (AI), big data, analytics and algorithms – and how they might transform healthcare and health professions education
It can seem like everyone is talking about ‘AI’, ‘big data’ and algorithms – in healthcare, in education and in our wider society. What does that really mean? And what implications will it have for health professionals and those that support their education and training?
In this episode of the HMI podcast, Vic talks with Martin Pusic about terminology, examples where AI is currently being used, and the tensions that exist as the field moves forward. He explains that we are going to need new skills and new collaborations, and there are pitfalls along the way. The bright hope is that healthcare and healthcare professionals are better guided in their practice through large amounts of well understood data and predictive analytics, while balancing our humanistic perspectives with our technical ones.
For more reading on the topic, Martin recommended Developing the Role of Big Data and Analytics in Health Professional Education, Why We Needn’t Fear the Machines: Opportunities for Medicine in a Machine Learning World, and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada’s Task Force Report on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Digital Technologies.
Please click here to listen to this episode.
Watch out for new episodes this year which will be announced on our blog and our Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook social media channels.
Did you know that the Harvard Macy Institute Community Blog has had more than 265 posts? Previous blog posts have explored topics including leading curricular change, online education in a hurry, and developing leaders in health professions education.
Author BIO
Victoria Brazil, MD (Educators, ’05, Leaders ’07, Assessment ‘10) is Professor of Emergency Medicine and Director of Simulation at Bond University Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine. Her research interests include podcasting and simulation, and she is co-producer of Simulcast - a podcast about healthcare simulation. Victoria can be followed on Twitter.
HMI Podcast