HMI 30th anniversary podcast series, Celebrating 30 Years of Leadership and Learning in Health Professions Education, honors the remarkable individuals who have shaped and supported our community over the years. These accomplished educators, leaders, and champions of health professions education have contributed to the institute’s enduring legacy. Through their leadership, innovation, and commitment to advancing education, they continue to inspire and guide future generations. Join us as we highlight their journeys, achievements, and reflections on the impact of HMI on their professional lives and the wider global community.
Episode five is, To Teach is to Learn Twice: A Conversation with Holly Gooding. This episode features Holly Gooding, a well know faculty leader within HMI. Holly is an internal medicine and adolescent medicine physician by training, with an impressive clinical research portfolio in cardiovascular risk assessment for teens and young adults. Trained in California and then Boston, she now serves as the Medical Director of AdolescentMedicine at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.
Holly is a star medical educator and scholar. In addition to co-directing the Harvard Macy Program for Educators in the Health Professions, she is Associate Dean for Professional Development andEducation at Emory School of Medicine, where she fosters professional development for medical trainees and faculty.
In this inspirational conversation, Holly gives us insights into her parallel and overlapping careers as clinician, researcher, educator and scholar. She highlights the influence of mentors and peers on her career decisions and educational practice.
She sees opportunities in being given big jobs to do, e.g.developing the ‘science of learning’ theme in the Educators program. We ponder about the role of AI in clinical and educational practice, and feel grateful to be part of a community of practice that will be helping to understand and guide our work.
Holly is endlessly generous with her praise of others who contribute to and nurture the HarvardMacy Institute, and we are grateful for her ongoing contribution.
HMI Staff