Interactive Video Blog Series: Design Thinking in Medical Education: creating a new school at Penn State University
What is design thinking and how can it be applied to the creation of a new medical school? In this video, Dr. Holly Gooding interviews the 5 student design partners for the new Penn State College of Medicine University Park Regional Campus. These 5 innovators were accepted to Penn State College of Medicine in 2016 but delayed the start of school for one year in order to design their own new curriculum. Watch our video to learn how they applied design thinking to create a whole new type of medical school at the University Park Regional Campus, and join us in congratulating them on realizing the fruition of their work this fall.
The Harvard Macy Institute and OPENPediatrics have collaborated together to produce a series of interview-style videos on current and relevant medical education topics. OPENPediatrics is an online community of clinicians sharing best practices from all resource settings around the world through innovative collaboration and digital learning technologies. For more information about OPENPediatrics, please visit
Todd B Fowler

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